Robotic and Computer Assisted Surgery

The aim of this workshop is to provide an international platform for medical doctors, academic researchers, engineers, students and private industrials involved in the field of Robotic and Computer Assisted Surgery, to share their latest research results and vision on future research directions in this areas.

This workshop will be help on November 4th 2023 in Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taoyuan City. It is co-organized by institutions from two countries: France and Taiwan, which have shown intensive and expending research collaborations. 

  • Pr. Térence EssombaNational Central University, Taiwan
  • Pr. Med Amine LaribiUniversity of Poitiers, France
  • Pr. Chieh-Tsai WuChang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan



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Organisation of a Special Issue in the Journal of Medical Robotics Research:


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